Catchy title, great picture, I'll bite.
A good cover should peak your interest and pull you in.
If it passes the "this looks good test", sometimes I save it to my "wish list" on Amazon.
I won't tell you how many books I have on my "wish list".
How about the book that pulls you in, only to end up sitting on a shelf titled "need to read".
People are like books and it is best to take heed to the old saying, "don't judge a book by it's cover".
I believe this to be a true statement, yet I am not sure I (we) follow this rule.
Take Sean Penn, what if he was a book.
Would you even think twice about his cover?
I just heard he wished his critics would get cancer!
What makes people say stuff like that?
Not sure if you like him?
Personally, I neither love nor hate the guy.
Yet, there seems to be no middle on the subject.
Maybe you think he is a great actor and hate his politics or vice versa.
I can think of a few things I would like to ask him about, this I know for sure.
My first thought when I look at his cover falls under misguided passion.
Did you see the poor guy on "Larry King Live"?
I laughed out loud when I watched the interview Dan taped for me while I was in Haiti.
Haiti kicked his butt big time.
Maybe he is in it for the fame.
I don't know.
I hope he isn't that kind of guy.
Larry King threw the bait at him, time and time again to get him to talk about something different but he stuck to his guns and said everything he wanted to say about Haiti.
See the little girl looking at you?
Her name is Rosemerline.
Cute cover, huh!
For a month the folks at Heartline Ministries have been working on getting the last of the remaining five children left in their program out of Haiti to their "forever families".
Well, it just so happened Little Miss got to leave Haiti with her "forever mom", Juanita, a friend of ours here in Atlanta on Sean Penn's plane.
I wonder how this random act of kindness changed her cover?
His book cover now has my attention and is now sitting on my "need to read" shelf.
If only I could read the last chapter in his book to see just what happened to Sean Penn's heart while he was in Haiti.
Haiti is a whole different animal.
You think you are going to help "them" and you come back so messed up you have no idea what happened, sometimes for weeks.
In a good way of course.
It is the funny thing about books and relationships, you never know what God is doing in the journey.
He never uses the ones the world thinks are perfect and right for the job, never, not once.
Not with Moses, David, Peter, Rahab or the long list of others.
He is funny that way.
Yet, He is the author and the finisher, that we know for sure.
I pray Sean Penn will see the powerful writing of God on the pages of his life, that his chapter will be one that makes me and the rest of the world say,
see, you really can't judge a book by it's cover.
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