It is has been said that "religion" is a crutch.
If we are purely talking religion and not relationship, I wouldn't disagree.
Yet, many things in our lives serve in this function and capacity.
Some we are aware of and some we are not, some we choose and some we don't.
Limps are good.
They remind us we can't do things in our own strength.
I think this may have been why Jacob walked with a limp after he wrestled with God.
He would always be reminded of his need for God.
It had nothing to do with Gods ability to heal.
In the past week, I have not seen anyone with a crutch.
Many have limps, yet operate out of love and compassion.
They know what it is to be in need of love and kindness in the unmerited form that Christ gives to us.
Call it what you will, a limp, a crutch or a weakness, maybe you could consider calling it a relationship.
I am calling it the hands and feet of Jesus in action in one of the biggest ways I have ever seen it in action.
I will take this kind of crutch any day!
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