The past two days have been a bit of a blur. I got a phone call saying that Jean Kelley was in pain and he needed me to come and help him. For those of you who don't know who Jean Kelley is... I posted a blog on August 14th that you may want to read before you go any further. For those of you who know Jean Kelley, you know that he never asks for anything or complains about his leg. He is very much like my own kid, calls me mom and the whole bit so getting his phone call told me that this was something that needed my attention right away. This is where it gets blurry. I have been down this road with him and I kicked in to high gear. We went and got him from the orphanage he lives at, had a nurse look at him, got him meds for pain, fed him, sent emails, made phone calls to help determine our plans for today. With some direction from Dr. Jen I made phone calls to find the best price for an x-ray, labs and to find the doctors office that Tara and Troy had used. It makes me laugh that you can call a place to check on an x-ray and they can tell you that the generator doesn't work and they don't have current so try back in the next day or two. John said, he has had to buy gas for a generator in order to get an x-ray done. Only in Haiti!
So here is what I know now:
1. I need your help!
2. The doctor asked to do the operation today!
3. It will be expensive! It could be $3000 - plus!
4. It needs to happen asap!
5. I will do everything I can to save his leg - even when they say the "a" word!
6. The doctor said that there is so much infection his leg could burst again!
7. He will need IV meds for six week after the operation.
Please let us know if you can help!
I will pray, I wish I could do more but as a poor college student living in Michigan I can only pray.
let me know how I can help!! Email me at danielle_klassen@yahoo.com
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