Living The Life That God Has For Us....

God's Plumbline Ministries is called to repair devastation in the lives of God's people allowing restoration both physically and spiritually. Providing creative solutions for employment, education and life skills allowing God to repair and restore hope.  Empowering each community to establish a secure foundation both inside and out, while keeping in tact God given talents and uniqueness, not focusing on man's ways but God's ways.  Developing working relationships within social and economic circles, working hand in hand with community leaders to bring the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. 

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Tetherball is a North American game for two opposing players. The equipment consists of a 10 ft (3 m), stationary metal pole, from which is hung a ball from a rope, or tether. The two players stand on opposite sides of the pole. Each player tries to hit the ball one way; one clockwise, and one counterclockwise. The game ends when one player manages to wind the ball all the way around the pole so that it is stopped by the rope.

Rules:Rules vary from region to region and even from one court to another, and there is no definitive set of rules that everyone follows.
The game begins when one player serves the ball, usually by holding it in one hand and hitting it with the other. The opposing player then attempts to return the serve by hitting it in the opposite direction. The object is to hit the ball in such a way that one's opponent will be unable to alter the ball's direction; this gives the server an advantage since the server has more control over the ball from the beginning. It is generally acceptable to hit the ball with either the fist or the open hand.

The game ends when one player hits the ball around the pole in their own direction as far as it will go, so that the ball hits the pole. In addition, the ball must strike the pole with the final wrap above a line marked on the pole. A match can consist of one, three, five, or more games.

Thoughts: In no way am I saying, I think the Lord plays "games", but I admit I have been known to say, I feel like I am on Mister Toad's Wild Ride. It is that part of human nature that fights to be in control yet when we are in control we often find ourselves in trouble.
I see Jesus as the "pole" providing great strength and focus, the "ball" is how we respond to life's journey.
If we are not careful I do believe that as we walk out this journey our emotions and circumstances can "play" with us causing us to play games with God, others and ourselves.
I have come to understand that I, me, know myself well enough to say that I can not take one step back from the pole, i.e. Jesus or I will be out of the game.
I confess that for my bull-headed personality I tend to think I can do everything myself.
Yet, when I am doing things my way I do not have the ability to function in a rational way that will add value to the lives of the different people I am in contact with not to mention my children, my husband or myself.
I can remember sitting in Mrs. Walker's class trying to learn multiplication facts, which I found of no value at all, waiting for the bell to ring so we could go to recess.
I had already learned the lesson of not sticking my tongue of the frozen basket ball pole in the middle of a Minnesota winter. Now that I think of it, this lesson stayed with me much longer then multiplication facts because I sure never forgotten it.
Tom boy that I was I can remember standing with my feet a part, fists clenched, waiting and watching for the perfect hit.
Bam!! Air ball! I missed it! I was now spinning around trying not to falling down.
Pride hurt I struggled get my bearings back.
I was stunned in disbelief that I missed the ball. After all I had a perfect shot.
It buzzes past me again and again, yet I am still motionless and disorientated.
Bearings back, I now realize I am standing so far away from the center I couldn't hit the ball if I wanted to.
Time out! I must regroup and get my footing again in order to be back in the game.

It has been a long ride with Mister Toad but I now understand that no matter what surface I am standing on Jesus needs to be my foundation or I am not in the game.
Yes, the "rules" seem to vary depending on what region I am in, but our basic needs are the same.
Rich, poor, black or white, we all want and need to be loved, treated with respect, needing food, water and shelter.
It was the cross that gave us the ability to change the direction of the ball.
It is our inability to grasp the depth of His love for us that holds us back and won't allow us to believe that this can really be true thus taking us out of the game believing the lies our mind tells us we need to believe to have our "A" game on.
We easily forget once we step out of bounds we lose the ability to return the serve and we are defeated.
In tetherball and life, there are no set rules or magic formulas.
Religion and denomination say you must live life based on formula, but relationship says, He loves you!
It is abiding in His love for us that will keep us in the game.
Game over!

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